The Founder’s Dilemma

The Founder’s Dilemma

The founders of a company start it with his vision and develop the organization with the strategies planned by him solely. So, in the beginning, the founder is only the boss, and any decision related to the product, marketing, and finance – you name it- will be taken...
Your Approach To Hiring Is All Wrong

Your Approach To Hiring Is All Wrong

The amount of job recruitment has increased manifold nowadays, but it has become much worse than before. The process involved in present-day hiring has a lot of loopholes and thus needs rethinking and re-evaluating. After world war II, the recruitment process involved...
What do Great Managers do?

What do Great Managers do?

When you are managing a team, you may find people with different traits and qualities. For example, some team members may respond well to constructive criticism; however, others may require gentle feedbacks. One employee may like to handle all the conversations via...