When the terror of the coronavirus pandemic started, we all expected it to last just for 2-3 months. But then seasons and years went with all the typical lockdown and social distancing norms. We have entered the third year of this global pandemic now, and it is the...
During the early 2000s, most employers started asking for specific degree requirements in the job descriptions. This description included jobs that previously didn’t require any particular degree. This trend was better known as degree inflation; however, it led...
You will be surprised to know that surveys show that every person is almost 75% responsible for how he gets treated by others. Therefore, the verbal and non-verbal actions we take are likely to expand the options for others. Unfortunately, knowingly or unknowingly, we...
Categorizing various growth patterns and problems of small businesses seems a hopeless task in the first instance. In general, small companies may vary significantly in growth capacity and size. They are usually categorized according to action independence, varied...
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