Ever hit a brick wall, literally, in business that you thought was the end of you? Setbacks in business are inevitable. No way are you going to establish a business and not experience hitches along the way. How you respond to them is what makes the difference. There’s no need looking at setbacks like they are natural disasters or that they are written in stone. Setbacks should make you a better entrepreneur. So how does one recover from a setback? Here are some tips to get you back on your feet:

Be at peace with what you can’t change

The first lesson in rising from the ashes is accepting what is not in your control. For example, some setbacks may be as a result of factors that you can’t control such as Mother Nature. If there’s absolutely nothing you can do about a setback, there’s no need working up stress. Just accept and move on. By accepting, you will get relief and be rid of guilt.

Focus on what you can change

Now that you have closure on the things that are out of your control, it’s time you focused on the items that you can change. For example, you might be running a coaching program where you sign up people to your programs via email. Now, sign up rates might be low. Instead of your mood tanking, you could turn the situation around. You could use email to book consults. Afterward, you can sell the coaching programs on the phone, and this could see more guests sign up.

Identify the lessons

If you really want to cement your comeback, you have to identify the experiences in your setback. Now, most times, people make a scene, literally, when they encounter a setback. Don’t get me wrong. There’s no problem when you experience disappointment. However, when you choose to stew in the disappointment, there’s no getting past the setback. Instead, the best step is to identify the nuggets of wisdom from the setback and improve yourself from them.

Have you experienced a setback recently? Are you unsure of how to get around it? There’s no use holding your head over spilled milk. Like a phoenix, rise from your ashes by first, accepting what you can’t control. Then identify what you can control and tweak it in your favor. Finally, identify the lessons you learned from the setback and use them to better yourself.