There is a correlation between the staff’s happiness and their ability to perform better and improve sales. When employees in a particular firm, organization, or store aren’t satisfied, chances are they force themselves to come to work or make a sale. They do it not because they enjoy it, but because they need the monthly cheque. In this situation, when a better opportunity comes along, they jump ship without hesitating. It doesn’t matter if the pay will be less, but if the conditions are right, they take the job anyway. Consequently, it’s crucial to increase your staff’s happiness through:
Offering training and retraining
Training new employees is a sign that you value their input. It shows that you are willing to invest in their potential — employee training results in highs levels of motivation not to let you down. For the old employees, offering to retrain means that you want them to be happy, and you are planning on retaining them. Offering retraining rather than letting them go increases productivity.
Seeking the staff’s input.
Employees are closer to the action; for instance, sales associates have a deep insight into what customers like. Thus, involving their knowledge about what products to add, which programs work, and how to increase customer experience is the way to go. Their expertise being close to customers gives an honest view of what works. By choosing to involve them, it shows that you are listening and value their opinion.
Offering incentives
There are better ways to drive sales without putting a gun on employees’ heads. One of them is through offering incentives. It could be contests where they win cash prizes, coupons, or merchandise. It could be through giving them bonuses and additional off days. These incentives show your staff that you care about them and ignites a competitive edge organically.
Avoiding scheduling abuse
Many dissatisfied employees have problems with scheduling abuse. This is where they are allocated shifts that eat into their free time or off days contrary to the previous employment agreement. Scheduling abuse reveals a company’s selfish agenda and leads to a lot of frustrated employees. Instead, work around your employee’s schedule or even use an automated scheduler to make your work easier.
Avoiding placing corporate slipups on employees
The corporate world is brutal, and everyone has a part to play. If the corporate side screws up, it isn’t fair to direct the blame on employees. In case employees have no control over different circumstances, avoid placing the blame on them. Instead, work towards finding a solution to the problem. Training can be a solution if the situation can be controlled. This way, the employees remain happy and dedicated to making the store great.
Letting employees know they have the managers support
Employees are the backbone of a company. If the customers are abusive and mean beyond measures, it’s up to the managers to have the employees back. They should learn to side with employees whenever the customer is on the wrong side.
Keeping employees happy has a positive dominos effect. The sales skyrocket, the workplace becomes lively; they take pride in their work, etc. So, these are just some of the ways to help keep employees motivated and drive performance. Try them and any others that can produce the same results.
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