It can be daunting to locate and hire a business attorney to represent your legal needs, especially if you operate a small business. These days, a business endeavor simply cannot survive without a business attorney, who will protect that business’ interests.
It is important to find a reliable business attorney, especially if you own a small business. We have below a list of the top things you should look for when hiring a business attorney.


Most attorneys are legal experts, however, they are not necessarily business experts. The highest priority is to find attorneys that specialize in providing legal assistance to small businesses. It is not wise to let a family law attorney or a criminal law attorney represent your business interests.

Fee Structure

Once you receive a lawsuit, you will usually have 20 days to respond. This, of course, isn’t exactly the best time to negotiate fees with your business attorney, which is why it is best to negotiate fees beforehand. Make sure to agree upon a fee structure, in writing, and up front. You don’t want any extra surprises if you are facing legal issues.


When looking for potential business attorneys, you need to find out how easily accessible and available they will be for you and your business. How long will it take them to respond to you? You need an attorney who will prioritize your business.


Some of the best recommendations for a good business attorney can come from other business entrepreneurs, who have first-hand knowledge of being represented by certain attorneys. Not only can they point you in the right direction but also help you avoid those attorneys that are known to provide subpar services or charge fees that are way too high.

Communication Skills

Last, but not least, make sure to check the communication skills of a particular attorney. Just like every other field, the field of law has its own specific set of complex terms, most of which are unfamiliar to the general public. A good business attorney must be capable of explaining these terms in plain English and relaying their thoughts in a perfectly understandable manner.

If you are searching to protect the assets of your business, contact us at Global Investment Strategies. We specialize in designing the right solution for your business.