The threat of coronavirus pandemic has posed a few extraordinary challenges to industry leaders around the world. Many of them have missed opportunities to establish an honest impression in the competitive market. But if you are taking those failures for granted so long, you are making another mistake. The actual strategy must be to rethink your abilities and channelize your potential to grow again.

When some uncertain things happen in life, even good leaders may take wrong steps out of fear and anxiety. Such behaviors mark your failure during this pandemic test because you have failed to control the impact of the crisis on your business with inadequate measures of the threat. To pass such a crisis test, leaders need to act wisely, without following the blame game, as Adam Silver did by announcing the suspension of basketball league at the beginning of China’s coronavirus outbreak. It was the best decision ever that Silver took even before the rest of the world’s governments implemented their measures to control public gatherings. This decision is probably the best example of leadership during this pandemic.

Here we have listed four critical lessons that every leader needs to take from this hour of uncertainty due to coronavirus crisis:

The urgent call to action

When you have a well-documented problem in front of you, waiting for more clarity and information may feel a genuine approach. But at the time of crisis, wasting time for deeper insights may put your business in danger, especially when it is about a pandemic with an exponentially growing fatality rate. With each passing day, people get into a more troublesome situation than they were in the last day. In such circumstances, leaders are expected to make immediate decisions to save the organization.

Transparent communication

Giving bad news to people around you is probably the most challenging task for anyone. Many leaders start thinking about the threat to their popularity and risk of demoralizing their customers and employees. But the real leaders have that wisdom and courage to understand the situation and communicate it with full transparency to handle the risk. Honest communication ahead of time provides accurate descriptions about the upcoming reality, and it avoids the false hopes from the people associated with your decisions. Moreover, it gives people a way to direct their energy in the right direction by knowing the cause and effect.

Productive response to missteps

The complexity and lack of information about this pandemic lead to measure system failure throughout the world. But how some leaders responded to these unexpected challenges defined their ability to address the crisis. The best quality of good leaders is that they do not blame others for any mistake; instead, they stay focused on goals and make efforts to solve the problem ahead. They are even open to criticism and accept the challenge with full responsibility.

Constant engagement

One of the biggest misconceptions about good leadership is that the leader must be steady. Although this steadiness may work in some circumstances, when the pandemic is posing rapid evolution, leaders need to ensure constant engagement to understand upcoming possibilism and opportunities. In this way, they can get diverse opinions from other experts and make collaborative decisions to handle the challenge.
These simple strategies can prepare leaders to make wise and responsive decisions in the hours of crisis.